Relationship Management
- Earn respect
- Deal with politics
- Get your voice heard
- Understand the real agenda
- Plan your influence and persuasion activity
Value for Products and Services
- Focus on customers
- Identify value (outcome vs output)
- Measure Value
- Troubleshoot poor performance
- Deliver improvement
Strategy and Innovation
- Define a strategy
- Communicate a strategy
- Populate ideas on your roadmap with innovation tools
- Build a roadmap
- Discuss the impact of change with capability maps
Portfolio Management
- Set up executive decision making
- Validate and prioritise ideas
- Manage requests and delivery expectations
- Use ROI and Risk decision criteria
- Balance activity with outcomes
- Maximise return and reduce risk through project and service delivery
- Manage technical debt
Organisational Change
- Create a sense of urgency amongst staff
- Create a compelling case for strategic partnerships
- Think of yourself as a leader
- Do an impact assessment and create a future vision
- Define a plan to successfully deliver change
- Define roles
- Overcome resistance